This platform; Health to Our Wealth was founded by Naadia Kaye:
Naadia is passionate about the health and well-being of humanity; she believes that health, beauty and prosperity is a very necessary expression of the total human. Naadia has had many experiences in this life, some mystical and extraordinary and some only nearly, Over the years, Naadia has travelled and lived in many places in the world. and have learned much; as a result, the vision to chronicle some of the many experiences on this site, in hopes that anyone visiting [ Health To Out Wealth ] may be inspired to transform their lives into other dimensions of success, creativity, and uplifting well-being.
Starting from very humble beginnings, Naadia’s formative years were quite provincial. Plumbing and electricity were dreams, waiting to come through, an outhouse bathroom, dirt-floored kitchen, countertops and stoves, were fashioned out of mud, ashes, and rock stones. Fuel obtained from wood, taken from the forest miles away and carried on the heads, in bundles to fit the size of the carrier, which are the children led in single file on a narrow, but well-walked path by Grandmother (Granny) with size to suit wood bundle on their heads. A weekly chore that resonated with its own rhythm, that made it, a necessary and beloved way of life. Wood bundles were placed on the side of the log cabin kitchen which would serve all domestic needs until it was time to fetch more from the forest; or “”woodland as it was called
The main house consisted of two rooms and a veranda, which sheltered a family of seven. From an indigent, but very healthy past to this flourishing present, Naadia has gained a wealth of experience and vast knowledge, which continues to expand into a knowing that health and wealth coalesce and are fundamentally unsuccessful without one another.
Nadia’s mission; is to fill this site with many, beautiful things and stories that the world has to offer, some things to delight, educate, and cause you to think, feel, imagine, and live in ways you may never have considered or believed to be possible. She’ll be pulling from a world of experiences, demonstrating how health and wealth work together, showing you and discussing ways to be naturally healthy and effortlessly wealthy. So come and be lifted. Here’s Health to our Wealth. Bringing this to you is made possible by.